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"This is the true story about Colors. Every color is different. Some colors ar friends with one another, others don't get along so well. When they mix with one another strange things happen... You have to see it with your own eyes: It's magical."

So begins the musical dancing story "Farbula" in the adaptian of Eva Haller's book, "the true Story of Color".

In this play the theory of color will be illustrated, whereby each color has its own personality , portrayed through music and dancing children.

During the course of the piece, the colors meet and interact according to their attributes together and against one another. In ends in chaos.
Finally with external help they realize the importance of mutual respect and giving each individual his rightful place, enabling a harmonious co-existence.

Newspaper articles about the founding of KITZ #1
Newspaper articles about the founding of KITZ #2
start . GuestbookTranslation:
Carole Nickel